

Save the drama for the set, we’ll handle the rest.

Navigating complex reporting requirements without assistance may cause you to have an Oscar worthy meltdown. Entertainment tax planning is growing increasingly complex. More than 35 states now offer some form of production incentive with continually updated guidelines. We can run an analysis of projected entertainment incentives across multiple jurisdictions to help production companies choose the most suitable location.


Consider ELEMENT an extension of the film crew working together collaboratively to make sure the production hits its mark. 


• Comparative Jurisdiction Analysis

• Incentive Tracking

• Negotiating Certification Issues

• Audits and Tax Credit Comfort Letters

• Strategic Tax Planning That Extends Post Wrap

• Investor relations education and consulting to ensure proper corporate structural necessities to meet the tax and financial goals of both the production and its investors

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Ready to get started?

Meet Jennifer, she'll walk you through next steps and answer any questions you may have. Please, say Hi to Jennifer!